Latest News:

Earth Day Santa Cruz will be happening on Saturday, April 20, 2024!

Organizations and businesses vendor booths are now fully booked, no waitlist.

PASSPORT PROGRAM! There will be many activities for children to participate in at the event! Don’t forget to pick up a PASSPORT at the INFO BOOTH when you arrive so that any children in attendance can earn an ice cream scoop from Mission Hill Creamery or a free cookie from Pacific Cookie Company.

Booth Registration

Schedule of Events


2019 Schedule of Events

2020 Schedule Coming Soon!




11:00-4:00 (while supplies last) DIY Lip Balm


UCSC Sustainabilty Office Tent


11:00-4:00 (ongoing) Climbing Wall North end of park toward Water Street
11:45-1:15 Musical Performance by Sambada

Main Stage

(start times: 11:30, 1:00, 2:30)



Compost Workshop

(Pre-Register to reserve your space by clicking here)


Electric Vehicle Showcase

Master Composters’ Booth



EV Showcase far end of event by Water St. Bridge

2:30-3:30 Musical Performance by Sambada

Main Stage
11:30, 1:30 and 3:30 Joya Mother Song Mother Song Tree/Tent
12:30-3:30 Samba Stilt Circus Roaming throughout park
4:00 Event Ends Please pitch in and help us clean up the park!